Monday, January 12, 2009

Mzungu, I am.

I’ve been in Kenya for four days now and I’m soaking it all in…. my new, daily soundtrack comprises of the neighborhood kids laughing and playing in the street, car alarms going off, Swahili conversations, and humanity…I enjoy it.

Interestingly, I didn’t feel it was too difficult adjusting and, as I said above, I’m enjoying it immensely. Comfort-wise, I feel the same as I would in another U.S. city (sans internet connection and with a slight language barrier)—maybe those Social Work Diversity classes helped with this process, hah--who knows?

Anyhoo, just wanted to let everyone know that I have arrived safely, that I, sadly, do not have frequent internet access, but that I’m thinking of all of you. I’ll post more interesting things soon.
