Before coming to Kenya, I was connected with a colleague’s cousin who lives here and she is amazing. Serious. I think my transition into life here would have taken a few weeks longer had she not been such a gracious host. Furthermore—she has been commentating on certain life lessons and nuances as we tour the area… nuances that may take a mzungu like me way longer to catch on. I’m so thankful for her.
Here’s the first of many lessons, I’m sure.
1. There are no crosswalks in Kenya and cars won’t stop for you if you just stand and wait on the sidewalk. So just cross and do so with absolute confidence.
2. When walking back from work one day, we were crossing the street and she told me, “hurry.” So what do you do when you “hurry?” You run. At least… I run.
I dashed to the other side and looked back to see her walking calmly amidst the oncoming cars. When I inquired about why she didn’t run like me…
Friend: As a kid, I was taught to never run when crossing the street.
Here’s the first of many lessons, I’m sure.
1. There are no crosswalks in Kenya and cars won’t stop for you if you just stand and wait on the sidewalk. So just cross and do so with absolute confidence.
2. When walking back from work one day, we were crossing the street and she told me, “hurry.” So what do you do when you “hurry?” You run. At least… I run.
I dashed to the other side and looked back to see her walking calmly amidst the oncoming cars. When I inquired about why she didn’t run like me…
Friend: As a kid, I was taught to never run when crossing the street.
Me: Really? Why?
Friend: Because when you run, you may trip and fall… then it’s over!
I laughed because there is so much truth in that logic. I now walk (at a speedy pace) when I cross the street.
With these personal, cultural tips, I’m becoming more Kenyan, everyday, eh? Now I just have to brush up on my Swahili words—somehow, I think just knowing basic greetings/plesantries, the word for ear, stomach, and food is insufficient for survival here… hmm..
Anyhoo—here are some “pichas” from this weekend—enjoy!

On the way to the rural area, we passed by a lot of people walking, buildings, small towns, and just tons of colors. I especially loved the clotheslines... there were some buildings we saw that just had multiple clotheslines per floor... it looked amazing-- all the colors hanging and waving in the sun. This one didn't have as many as the other buildings-- but I'll definitely try to recapture it for you another time.
Well, alright folks, I had more pictures from this weekend but I'll post those later-- I need to finish up at work so I can get out and beat rush hour :)