Thursday, March 5, 2009

Why so serious?

So a wonderful friend of mine, Haley A-Bel--a temporal expat in Nigeria, asked why I don't include everday-life-related things in my blog... not in those exact words but you know what I mean :)

Frankly, I failed to mention the nuances of my life here because it's becoming a norm and I don't think too much about it--but I figured.. maybe I should.

Part 1: Workaholic. But not. Since I really only work 38-40 hrs a week.
Many people have asked about what I'm doing-- so let me break it down:

Currently, I'm working at UNCRD (UN Centre for Regional Development)--Africa Office and they focus on capacity-building, training, research, etc for countries in Africa. It's very interesting-- their work, organizational structure, mission, etc... feel free to check it out:

So what am I doing here? My tasks include desk research on human security issues in Northern Kenya, helping out with the capacity-building trainings (creating/prepping materials, logistics, etc), and assisting with editing regional development plans. Needless to say, it's a great opportunity and I'm learning a lot. As well, my supervisors are super smart which leaves me super intimidated. The only thing that leaves me a lil sad is that interns have their own office--- which sounds great.. except I'm the only intern. So even me, the introvert, begins to crave more human interaction. There's a first for everything ;)

Part II: Typical work day

6:50AM- Leave house and walk out to Matatu (public transport) spot. On the way-- wave and give thumbs up to the usual passerby-ers, neighbors, security guards, and kids shouting "HELLO!" as they are driven to school.
Do I feel like a rock star doing this? No.. not really.... well, ok, aw shucks, a lil. ;)

7-7:10AM- At the spot, wave down and hop into a hopefully empty matatu*... and of course, avoid being tricked to get into an already full one... or one playing hardcore rap. Don't get me wrong, I like my rap and loud music... but 7 in the morning? mmm, no.

7:15AM- Walk to the office--> smiling and waving-- as appropriate (there are some people that I am accustomed to seeing... I promise I don't smile & wave to complete strangers....all the time)

Above is a picture of the compound. They don't keep the flags up so of course I had to make like a tourist and take a picture when they went up for a conference! It's a nice place... I like the plants and flowers the most.

7:30AM- Read Bible, pray, read newspaper, etc.

8AM-4/4:30PM- Buckle down and work! ((while occasionally rocking out to my music))

4/4:30PM-Reverse direction of actions from time slots 7:15AM to 6:50AM

Some matatu conductors remember me now which is nice.. they automatically look at me when my usual stop nears to confirm if I'm getting off. Other times after work, I may get off at the market, in the city centre, and so forth...depending on what I'm doing, who I'm meeting up, etc. And some of the matatu people, since they recognize me, are nice enough to make informal stops for me.

An alternative mode of transport home: scrub a ride via my friend's friends. (Did I just use the word "scrub"?! Yes, I did. And yes, I'm aware that using it has knocked down some cool points).

Anyhoo-- if you wonder about my life in Kenya on a daily basis-- here's one aspect of it. Pretty normal and typical right? I think so :)



*matutus deserve another post