Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy Working Song

Happy New Years!

I'm headed off to Kenya in less than a week and I'm still in the process of preparing--packing, calling people, making arrangements, reading, etc. 

There always seems to be so much to do and so little time... <--and while some people consider this a popular saying, some simply refer to this phenomena as poor time management. And yes, I'm working on it.

Luckily, I have been blessed with a supportive, caring family and amazing friends to counter any feelings of overwhelmed-ness (if that's a word?)

In any case, here's my happy working song as I go about preparing-- 

If you're wondering whether I actually sing this song as I work... well, that's a secret I'll never tell.

Signing off until I'm actually off U.S. soil,

FYI. Yes, I made two popular tv-show/movie references in this post. Kudos to you if you know which ones they are :)